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General Group Overview

The Composites Group is an interdisciplinary research group spanning the two departments of Materials Engineering and Civil Engineering at UBC. The group conducts applied and fundamental research in many areas dealing with advanced composite materials and structures, including impact, processing and fracture. Major research funding in the form of contracts and grants is provided by industrial and governmental agencies.


  • Processing for Dimensional Control
  • Advanced Insertion of Materials – Composites
  • Development of an Integrated Process Model for Composite Structures
  • Tool-part interaction – Experiments and modelling
  • Viscoelaticity and residual stress generation: Factors affecting spring-in
  • Characterization of damage in impact of composite structures
  • Characterization of damage in overheight compact tension experiments: damage and strain softening
  • Observation of fracture in-situ inside an SEM: aerospace and biomaterial applications


Yasmine Abdin

Assistant Professor


Office: FF 011

Research Interests

Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, Composites Design and Manufacturing, Optimization, In-Service Performance behaviour, Damage, Durability, Structural Reliability, Multi-Scale Modelling, Characterization Methods, Finite Element Analysis, Machine Learning, and Industry 4.0.

Sergey Kravchenko

Assistant Professor



Research Interests

Polymers and polymer composites; Multi-functional composites; High-throughput manufacturing process modelling of composites; Multi-scale, multi-physics, probabilistic computational modelling of composites; Manufacturing-informed performance simulation of composites; Machine learning methods in composites manufacturing and performance analysis; Composite structures for renewable energy & unmanned vehicles; Additive manufacturing.

Anoush Poursartip



Office: FF 113

Research Interests

Polymer matrix composite materials, damage growth in service, processing science for efficient manufacturing