
Group Web Page: Corrosion Research Group

General Group Overview

The Corrosion group can be found on the University of British Columbia’s campus in the Frank Forward Building.

Our research centers on electrochemical processes as applied to high temperature and pressure conditions, mathematical modeling of corrosion phenomena, electrochemical synthesis of nano-crystalline materials, aqueous electrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and fuel cells.

Graduate Studies

Corrosion is a multidisciplinary field. Great opportunities are open to enthusiastic students with education background in Physics, Chemistry, Materials and other engineering fields. Graduate students can register for either a Ph.D. or an M.A.Sc. degree in the Departments of Materials Engineering.

Undergraduate Studies

Students may apply for Co-op students or research assistants in corrosion projects.


Edouard Asselin


Corrosion, Hydrometallurgy

Office: FF 207

Research Interests

Hydrometallurgy, electrochemistry, corrosion