Ben Britton


M.Eng (Oxon.), D.Phil. (Oxon.), FIMMM, C.Eng, C.Sci

Email: ben[dot]britton[at]ubc[dot]ca

Publications: Google Scholar

Research and Teaching Interests

Materials characterisation & microstructure, metallurgy, electron diffraction & microscopy, deformation, microstructure/property models, manufacturing

Current Research Work

I am interested in developing our understanding of microstructure and advanced characterisation techniques. Typically these are applied to understand metals and ceramics for transport, energy, electronic and machining applications. I am a specialist in understanding deformation, microstructure and in electron microscopy. Internationally I am most well known for my understanding of micromechanical deformation and for developing new quantitative scanning electron microscopy methods, including electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis. I have recently moved from Imperial College London, where I still maintain a Visiting Readership, and I am an Academic Visitor at the University of Oxford.

At UBC, I teach on the Manufacturing Engineering programme, where I draw on my experiences in understanding materials and manufacturing processes from my research activities to inform my teaching.

I am also active in understanding and taking down barriers restricting the participation of people in engineering and science, particularly with a focus on understanding issues affecting 2SLGBTQ+ folk.


MANU 480 Advanced Manufacturing Processes II, MANU 458 Manufacturing for Clean Energy


For the most up-to-date list of publications I have collaborated on, pleases see my Google Scholar profile.


I can be found on twitter as @bmatb

I can be found on Mastodon as